Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Little Change

Recently, one of my cousins has had some creepy, weird, dangerous stuff happen partly because of her blog. It spooked me enough to at least take the real names out of mine, so from now on:

My Husband=The Cowboy
My oldest son=The Guitar Picker
My middle daughter=The Horse Whisperer
My youngest daughter=The Zoo Keeper

I'm not sure if I'm creeped out enough to stop showing pictures. I'll have to pray about it. I love sharing pictures of my family with you all, but I'll probably slack off a little at least.


Bev said...

You have changed your name! I wondered who it was commenting on my blog. I think you are perhaps doing the right thing if you are have heard experiences like that, but the blogging is like life, a risk. The trouble is we are communicating with people we have never met. No fears from me, I'm many thousands of miles away, and anyway, I've got nice kids, which is always a good sign lol

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I too worried about this for a while. When we home-schooled the blog we had then was an important tool for us and I got comfortable sharing out pics..never anything less than 100% fullu clothed and decent though. The world can be a sad place.
I hope no harm comes to your or yours!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the lovely comment on my blog! and i hear ya.. i've been online since '86 and a few things i try and is not use our real names, so people can't do a search and pull up my blog, as well as where we live.. only abbreviations if that... anyhow, not fun and i'm sorry to hear about your cousin! I'll pray it goes away!!!
God Bless!

Charity Grace said...

Hey, I'm back online! Merry Christmas!

I agree, it's a challenge to find the balance in what to share online. I just try to bear in mind that anyone, anywhere, can find what I write. And in light of that, I try not to get too personal. I save most personal info for personal correspondence.

TulipGirl said...

We had threats/stalking related to online stuff about 7 years ago. So. . . since then. . . it's been interesting finding a balance. Because of the work my husband has done, some info is online and public and easily accessible. Still, I don't advertise our names and details. I still show pictures, but try to keep our full names not associated with my blog.

And. . . I want to be respectful of my children and their future privacy. I'm not going to go overboard, but I don't want embarrassing kid stories coming up when future employers google their names, you know?