Thursday, June 28, 2007

All I Can Do is Pray

I had a conversation with a neighbor of mine yesterday about another neighbor who is serving in Iraq right now.

He said, "All I can do is pray."

Really? That's ALL?

ALL you can do is go to the Creator of the Universe. Whom you have a PERSONAL relationship with. Who loves YOU like a precious child. Who says "You do not have because you do not ask". That's ALL you can do?

Prayer is the first and most important thing we should do about EVERYTHING.

If all we can do is pray, then we are in pretty good shape because we are not relying on ourselves at all. If there is truly nothing else we can do, then we just have to get out of the way and let God do HIS thing.

Thank God for the situations where all we can do is pray, and be sure you DO pray. Don't just shake your head, say it and then go your way without another thought. Pray diligently for the things God brings to your attention, and then enjoy watching what our God can do!

1 comment:

Charity Grace said...

I'm so with you here!